Market Urbanist Consulting

Hire us to drive policy change in your city

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Scott Beyer

The Market Urbanist

Core Issues

Housing - deregulate land use to make building easier

Transportation - reform, privatize and deregulate mobility services

Public Administration - lower taxes and streamline city services

City Branding - make cities more attractive for corporate relocation

Startup Cities - advising on and marketing emergent urban forms

Core Services

Public Speaking - give talks on Market Urbanism by zoom or in-person

Social Media - advance causes through targeted posts and ads

Normal Media - penetrate local media with editorials, appearances, etc.

Consultation - 1-on-1 zoom talks to discuss advocacy strategies

Lobbying - speak with or email public officals and other stakeholders

  • Billable hours: $200/hour
  • Marketing plans: $5k minimum

Contact us for questions

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